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comparing kinect 1 with kinect 2 in using ROS

asked 2016-08-19 20:44:46 -0500

nguyennhubientdh gravatar image

Hi all, I have a questions, hope everyone help me: I don't know that kinect 2 is supported by ROS library? or only kinect is supported by ROS library. If so, then what are their names if I use navigation, gmapping package? Many thank for your supports

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-08-25 05:44:11 -0500

easyspidy gravatar image

You can use the Kinect v2 with ROS: Take a look at iai_kinect2 from . You need also libfreenect2 , a driver for linux for kinect v2 from here .

Just follow the installation guide on the github pages. First install libfreenect2 and make sure it works correctly. Kinect v2 only works on USB 3.0 interfaces. After that install the ros bridge iai_kinect2.

Once the pipeline is set up, you can display the colored pointcloud in rviz :-)

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Asked: 2016-08-19 20:42:56 -0500

Seen: 281 times

Last updated: Aug 25 '16