PointGrey Chameleon Camera - No Color Images

asked 2016-08-22 00:23:21 -0500

sathya.bhat gravatar image


I have a USB3.0 PointGrey Chameleon3 Camera, installed according to the ROS guide. But by default it outputs a gray valued image. (It's a colour camera). Camera is plugged via an active USB3 port. I am on ROS Indigo on 64Bit Ubuntu 14.04.1

Steps taken so far:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-pointgrey-camera-driver

$ rosrun pointgrey_camera_driver list_cameras Number of cameras found: 1 [0]Serial: 15374833, Model: Chameleon3 CM3-U3-13S2C, Vendor: Point Grey Research, Sensor: Sony ICX445AL (1/3" 1296x964 CCD), Resolution: 1288x964, Color: false, Firmware Version:

Not sure why this says colour:false and the sensor type detected is also wrong. Sensor name of the output information is wrong; i.e Sensor is detected as Sony ICX445AL but sensor I have is ON Semi Python 1300.

Launched rqt, all works fine. Can change the params like fps successfully with rqt/dynreconfig. Changing the video mode on the camera via RQT kills the camera.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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