Catkin-izing a python library
Hi everybody,
I need a "catkin-ized" version of a python library and I have some problems in doing it. I use catkin tools.
The library I'm interested in is libsbp (python/sbp subfolder for my specific case). I'm aware there's already a catkinezed version of this repo, which is libsbp-release, but I have some problems with the "install" directive in the CMakeLists.txt.
In fact, if I clone libsbp-release in my catkin work-space, checkout the specific release I need (release/indigo/libsbp/1.1.1-5) and compile it then it tries to install the python files in my catkin_ws/install folder (this required me to run "catkin config --install" in my work-space to enable the installation.) The "catkin configure --install" causes each other package in the work-space to be installed to the install folder of catkin_ws. This behavior causes lots of errors when I try to compile other packages that I didn't create and I don't want to modify. So, finally, my questions are:
1 Can I install just the catkin-ized version of that library and not the other packages in the same work-space? If so, I was not able to find out how I can do it using catkin tools.
2 If this first option is not possible, how can I use the files in the python/sbp of the library? Should I create a new catkin package and simply use the "target_include_directories" in my CMakeLists.txt?
Thanks for your help,