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Point Cloud Convention (X,Y,Z) direction

asked 2016-09-27 15:05:56 -0500

Pototo gravatar image


From the robot's perspective, what should be the X, Y, Z convention/direction for the point cloud? And for that matter, the angles convention as well, if anybody know.

I was looking into the REP documentation, but I don't quite understand it.

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-09-28 08:12:47 -0500

Akif gravatar image

As REP-103 states,

In the case of cameras, there is often a second frame defined with a "_optical" suffix. This uses a slightly different convention:

z forward
x right
y down

Which is the part you did not understand?

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Asked: 2016-09-27 15:05:56 -0500

Seen: 502 times

Last updated: Sep 28 '16