How to tag a question on this site (properly)?
Multiple robots in ROS Gazebo SITL with separate MAVlink/MAVproxy software codes is the original question which isn't having proper tags; Commas are not accepted while tagging and re-tagging apparently requires 100 to 500 Karma points; Unfortunately, I was able to tag just one tag and all other tags require "number, characters or -+.#" (something that I have been unable to understand).
I have spent about an hour on this and I would like to set the tags for the question as "gazebo .ros mav quadcopter .launch .world mavconn SITL roslaunch multi-agent". Can you please let me know if that is possible? (What am I doing wrong while tagging?)
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Prasad N R
Appended information: Trying "1gazebo 2.ros 3mav 4quadcopter 5.launch 7mavconn 8SITL 9roslaunch 10multiagent" resulted in '1gazebo', '2.ros', '3mav', '4quadcopter', '5.launch', '', '7mavconn', '8SITL', '9roslaunch' and '10multi-agent' tags (with numbers). Trying commas with spaces like "gazebo, .ros, mav, quadcopter, .launch, .world, mavconn, SITL, roslaunch, multi-agent" didn't work out either. Other similar attempts like "gazebo -+.# .ros -+.# mav -+.# quadcopter -+.# .launch -+.# .world -+.# mavconn -+.# SITL -+.# roslaunch -+.# multi-agent" didn't work out.