6DOF Localization with stereo camera against RGBD dense point cloud
I have a point cloud of an environment generated by a Kinect One using rtabmap. I have a stereo camera, and I'm looking for a ROS package capable of performing full 6DOF localization using the stereo camera against this existing point cloud. Although I have found many solutions for stereo SLAM, I am having a hard time finding anything for localization-only using the stereo camera. What I have found seems to only be depth-based. I'm looking for something that could perform this localization based on the full RGBD cloud, and is compatible with Kinetic. Are there any packages that do this? I would like to produce a pose estimate primarily based on the stereo camera, augmented by IMUs and IR rangefinders, and other monocular cameras. Presumably, once I have a stereo localization, I could pass the other sensors through the robot_localization package to get a fused posed estimate. Any suggestions for a stereo localization package?