Hi, I Have the odometry readings from a robot, How can I make the other robot to subscribe to this readings and make it to be in same coordinates and same movement??

asked 2016-11-07 05:05:17 -0500

manju gravatar image

Hi, I Have the odometry readings from a robot, How can I make the other robot to subscribe to this readings and make it to be in same coordinates and same movement?

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It's a little unclear what you're trying to do. Are you trying to have one robot match the movements of another? What is commanding the first robot?

Airuno2L gravatar image Airuno2L  ( 2016-11-07 05:53:37 -0500 )edit

First robot is commanded by a joystick. And yes I want to match the movements including coordinates. Help me

manju gravatar image manju  ( 2016-11-07 08:58:17 -0500 )edit