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decomposition coverage path planning

asked 2016-11-08 05:45:24 -0500

Jam gravatar image

Hi all,
Currently I am using the following resource to implement my coverage path planning,

And I can achieve a simple coverage path planning demo like left side image in this link( coverage path planning).

Now I need to implement the decomposition function for my coverage path planning algorithm.
(like right side in previous image link)

I have try some keywords (cell by cell, block, partition, decomposition + coverage path planning),
but so far without success...

Are there any resources, packages or papers have already provide this kind of algorithm,
So the robot can do coverage path planning "cell by cell" and don't need to input a map in advance?
Or any suggestion about how to implement this kind of algorithm?

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-02-21 10:08:41 -0500

ssohin gravatar image

I've found these papers that are aimed at solving complete coverage problems with online algorithms:

BA* : BA*: an online complete coverage algorithm for cleaning robots

D: Complete Coverage D Algorithm for PathPlanning of a Floor-Cleaning Mobile Robot

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Asked: 2016-11-08 05:45:24 -0500

Seen: 1,671 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '19