Roomba - TurtleBot1 serial communication for TeleOP
Hey there,
I have a roomba version 521 and I would like to use it as base of a "turtle Bot". I know this is kind of old stuff cause no one uses these base es anymore. Many use kobuki or directly start with TurtleBot version 3.
Nevertheless I would like to use a roomba version 521 as the base staion of my turtlebot. Now I am searching for software to connect this base station via a Mini - DIN serial port connector to a laptop on which ros indigo 14.04 LTS is running on.
My Problem is I do not find any working software for communicating with ros with my laptop to the roomba. I ended up with this tutorial: wikiRobots/RoombaRobin.
When I tried to test the software I downloaded within this tutorial. And I started:
roslaunch roomba_robin_bringup minimal.launch
I got the following errors:
roslaunch roomba_robin_bringup minimal.launch ...
logging to /home/markus/.ros/log/65038936-b274-11e6-8df8-9cb70de7f81a/roslaunch-turtleBot1-6333.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
while processing /home/markus/catkin_ws/src/roomba_robin/roomba_robin_bringup/launch/includes/mobile_base.launch.xml:
while processing /home/markus/catkin_ws/src/roomba_robin/roomba_robin_bringup/launch/includes/kobuki/mobile_base.launch.xml:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Any ideas how I can solve this issue?
By the way if I connect my serial cable with the laptop and type lsusb I see the following:
Bus 003 Device 006: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
Hope if somebody knows where there is still software for the roomba 521 available?
WIth the Tipp of Jacob: Thanks Jacob,
I saw that you have one of the biggest libraries for the Roombas and I already testet it... I followed your tutorial on your Page step by step but I came into some problems when executing
roslaunch ca_driver create_1.launch [publish_tf:=true]
markus@turtleBot1:~/create_ws/create_autonomy/ca_driver/launch$ catkin build ----------------------------------------------------------- Profile: default Extending: [env] /opt/ros/indigo Workspace:
/home/markus/create_ws ----------------------------------------------------------- Source Space: [exists] /home/markus/create_ws/src Log Space: [exists] /home/markus/create_ws/logs Build Space: [exists] /home/markus/create_ws/build Devel Space: [exists] /home/markus/create_ws/devel Install Space: [unused] /home/markus/create_ws/install DESTDIR: [unused] None ----------------------------------------------------------- Devel Space Layout: linked Install Space Layout: None ----------------------------------------------------------- Additional CMake Args: None Additional Make Args: None Additional catkin Make Args: None Internal Make Job Server: True Cache Job Environments: False ----------------------------------------------------------- Whitelisted Packages: None Blacklisted Packages: None ----------------------------------------------------------- Workspace configuration appears valid. ----------------------------------------------------------- [build] No packages were found in the source space '/home/markus/create_ws/src' [build] No packages to be built. [build] Package table is up to date.
[build] Summary: All 0 packages succeeded!
[build] Ignored: None.
[build] Warnings: None.
[build] Abandoned: None.
[build] Failed: None.
[build] Runtime: 0.3 seconds total.
markus@turtleBot1 ...