Interrupting a topic callback to call a service
I am currently facing an issue with my code, which both subcribes to a topic, and runs the server side of a service. The problem i am currently facind is that the topic which i am subscribing to is constantly being published to making, making it impossible for me to call my service. The service response is empty, which i assume i due to the topic callback constantly being running.
Here is the code:
#include "subscriber_and_server.h"
subscriber_and_server::subscriber_and_server() :
state_listener_sub_(n_.subscribe("/states", 1, &subscriber_and_server::callback, this)),
getCurrent_Event_Service(n_.advertiseService("/state_listener/Get_Current_Event", &subscriber_and_server::get_current_event_callback, this))
std::cout << "subscriber_and_server - constructed" << std::endl;
void subscriber_and_server::callback(const std_msgs::String& input)
if(old_event == current_event){}
this->current_event =;
this->old_event = this->current_event;
bool subscriber_and_server::get_current_event_callback(state_listener::get_current_event::Request &req, state_listener::get_current_event::Response &res)
res.current_event = this->current_event;
return true;
My main is creating a object of the class subscriber_and_server and ros::spin();.
Anyway to handle this issue? I am currently thinking of making a seperating both callback into seperates nodes, publish the new state if one occur, such that service can handle the issue? Is it somehow possible to avoid this??