Hello all,
I'm running on Ubuntu 14.04. I have installed the full desktop indigo distribution of ROS as in "Installing and Configuring Your ROS environment" tutorial, also configured the ROS workspace. I've successfully lunched roscore and several rosnodes like turtlesim.
What I try to achieve is to exchange data with a Siemens PLC using Modbus TCP. For this I have followed the steps presented at the wikipage of ROS modbus package:
I have also installed the prerequisites as:
After restarted my PC I started a new terminal and had the following instructions:
- cd to my catkin workspace
- source devel/setup.bash
- check the return of echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
- in the same terminal I run the command to start a modbus server as stated in the above link: rosrun modbus_wrapper _port:=1234
In terminal I got the following message: [rospack] Error: package 'modbus_wrapper' not found
Can anyone provide a hint of what I am doing wrong?
I checked in: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages and I found pymodbus library. I also have python 3 and 3.4 on ubuntu, none of them have pymodbus library. Is it possibile that my ROS environment not to be linked with python 2.7?
Thanks a lot! Best regards, Mircea.