How do you dynamically set a known position in robot_pose_ekf when you encounter a landmark?
I have a turtlebot running ROS Indigo that I am using to navigate a floorplan. I am using the robot_pose_ekf package for odometry. However, it would be convenient if the the robot used an April tag as the origin rather than the position it is in when the robot_pose_ekf package launches. I would also like to be able to reset the position the robot thinks it is in when the robot encounters other landmarks (in this case, April tags placed in known locations). Right now, the fact that the origin of the robot in robot_pose_ekf is not precise is causing some errors to accumulate in the robot's location on a map, and the imprecision makes coordinate transformations tedious. I would like to use this zeroing to 1) make the starting location of the robot precise and predictable, and 2) help the robot course correct rather than drifting as the package continues to run.
Any information about how I might do this would be very much appreciated.