Navigation Stack : What Am I missing? Robot not moving?
Hi all, this has been a ongoing battle which I am loosing, the wiki is not the easiest thing to follow.
So I have a robot (2 wheel, running Lidar)
- It runs Hector Slam which gives me /odom
- it can be moved by teleop (nav_msg)
I have created all the files in (move_base running on robot)
I have also setup RVIZ as shown in
However in RVIZ when I press 2D Nav Goal, bugger all happens. Current errors I seem to be seeing No transform between frames /map and /base_link available after 20.003237 seconds of waiting. This warning only prints once
[ WARN] [1485103992.288786277]: Timed out waiting for transform from base_link to map to become available before running costmap, tf error: . canTransform returned after 0.101515 timeout was 0.1.
The problem is I am getting super confused now, going via the Tutorials, things like URDF come up which I dont think I need because of the YAML file? This like build a tf_broadcaster also appear?
**Theres are my topics : Maybe it does not match the yaml file?
- /cmd_vel
- /initialpose
- /map
- /map_metadata
- /poseupdate
- /rosout
- /rosout_agg
- /rpms
- /scan
- /slam_cloud
- /slam_out_pose
- /syscommand
- /tf
- /tf_static**
I am sure its such a simple thing I am missing!
It looks like you're missing the TF transform between /map and /base_link (TF frames; not topics). It would be helpful to run
rosrun tf view_frames
to look at the TF tree (and post the results here if you can)I used files from here but not sure what fixed it yet