Is there any actual difference between a topic and a service?
The above link quotes that:
Establishing a topic connection: Putting it all together, the sequence by which two nodes begin exchanging messages is:
- Subscriber starts. It reads its command-line remapping arguments to resolve which topic name it will use. (Remapping Arguments)
- Publisher starts. It reads its command-line remapping arguments to resolve which topic name it will use. (Remapping Arguments)
- Subscriber registers with the Master. (XMLRPC)
- Publisher registers with the Master. (XMLRPC)
- Master informs Subscriber of new Publisher. (XMLRPC)
- Subscriber contacts Publisher to request a topic connection and negotiate the transport protocol. (XMLRPC)
- Publisher sends Subscriber the settings for the selected transport protocol. (XMLRPC)
- Subscriber connects to Publisher using the selected transport protocol. (TCPROS, etc...)
In the above mentioned steps , the subscriber is requesting for the connection first and then the publisher is sending the settings for the protocol . So isn't it a two way here in topics as well . Where does the exact difference between a topic and a service comes from ?