How to ask to ros the service parameter data type
I am learning ROS from the Wiki site and doing some commandos on the terminal to improve my understanding about it:
I would like to know what are the parameters of a Rosservice, I am doing something like:
$rosclient@rosclient-VirtualBox:~$ rosservice list
I get:
/clear /kill /reset /rosout/get_loggers
/rosout/set_logger_level /spawn
...etc etc
then I do:
$rosclient@rosclient-VirtualBox:~$ rosservice info /turtle1/teleport_absolute
and I get:
Node: /turtlesim
URI: rosrpc://rosclient-VirtualBox:40839
Type: turtlesim/TeleportAbsolute
Args: x y theta
but I need to know what x,y theta are... are float, ints or what (please note this example is pretty trivial to infer the data type, but I am looking for somthing like rosmsg <type>)