Running Bebop_Autonomy in a Docker Container
I'm attempting to run bebop_autonomy in a Docker for Windows container. If I run it on a linux host system in our lab with --network=host, it seems fine. Everything works out, I can start the node up, and I can view the stream using the web_video_server node. However, when I try to run the node in the windows container, I get a -11 error with "No Acks received" back. I'm trying to set it up so that the network is bridged instead of NAT, but I can't figure out how to do it. Is this even possible to do, or should I stick to developing on linux for now? I'm guessing the container just isn't getting the packets and it isn't a problem with my container's code, but that could be the problem as well.
You're not talking about Docker for Windows Server here, correct?
No. Docker released a version made to run on a windows machines called Docker for Windows. It can be found on their website. (I'm on mobile at the moment, so I can't link it.) Docker on Linux does exactly what I need, but Docker for Windows either needs to be configured differently or doesn't work.
I know. I was just making sure.
Docker for Windows has the 'docker server' as they call it running in a VM. That is going to complicate things considerably, especially with NAT involved.