how to combine coordinate program and auto docking program

asked 2017-04-15 04:38:30 -0600

ejat gravatar image

hi, i have problem, the coordinate program which makes the robot go to specific coordinate already done but now i need to add auto docking program in it. So the robot will automatically perform auto docking when it detects its battery is low. How to make it? below is my program for coordinate

import rospy import actionlib from move_base_msgs.msg import MoveBaseAction, MoveBaseGoal from math import radians, degrees from actionlib_msgs.msg import * from geometry_msgs.msg import Point

class map_navigation():

def choose(self):


rospy.loginfo("|PRESSE A KEY:")
rospy.loginfo("|'0': Tempat Asal ")
rospy.loginfo("|'1': Table 1 ")
rospy.loginfo("|'2': Table 2 ")
rospy.loginfo("|'3': Table 3 ")
rospy.loginfo("|'q': Quit ")
rospy.loginfo("|WHERE TO GO?")
choice = input()
return choice

def __init__(self):

# declare the coordinates of interest
self.xAsal = 1.63
self.yAsal = 2.15
self.xTable1 = 2.41
self.yTable1 = -0.621
self.xTable2 = 1.92
self.yTable2 = -2.62
self.xTable3 = 2.02
self.yTable3 = 0.907
self.goalReached = False
# initiliaze
rospy.init_node('map_navigation', anonymous=False)
choice = self.choose()

if (choice == 0):

  self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xAsal, self.yAsal)

elif (choice == 1):

  self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xTable1, self.yTable1)

elif (choice == 2):

  self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xTable2, self.yTable2)

elif (choice == 3):

  self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xTable3, self.yTable3)

if (choice!='q'):

  if (self.goalReached):

    rospy.loginfo("Hard Luck!")

while choice != 'q':
  choice = self.choose()
  if (choice == 0):

    self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xAsal, self.yAsal)

  elif (choice == 1):

    self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xTable1, self.yTable1)

  elif (choice == 2):

    self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xTable2, self.yTable2)

  elif (choice == 3):

    self.goalReached = self.moveToGoal(self.xTable3, self.yTable3)

  if (choice!='q'):

    if (self.goalReached):

      rospy.loginfo("Hard Luck!")

def shutdown(self): # stop turtlebot rospy.loginfo("Quit program") rospy.sleep()

def moveToGoal(self,xGoal,yGoal):

  #define a client for to send goal requests to the move_base server through a SimpleActionClient
  ac = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("move_base", MoveBaseAction)

  #wait for the action server to come up
  while(not ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration.from_sec(10.0))):
          rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the move_base action server to come up")

  goal = MoveBaseGoal()

  #set up the frame parameters
  goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "map"
  goal.target_pose.header.stamp =

  # moving towards the goal*/

  goal.target_pose.pose.position =  Point(xGoal,yGoal,0)
  goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
  goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
  goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
  goal.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

  rospy.loginfo("Sending goal location ...")


  if(ac.get_state() ==  GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED):
          rospy.loginfo("You have reached the destination")
          return True

          rospy.loginfo("The robot failed to reach the destination")
          return False

if __name__ == '__main__': try:

    rospy.loginfo("You have reached the destination")

except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
    rospy.loginfo("map_navigation node terminated.")
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any answers?

ejat gravatar image ejat  ( 2017-04-15 10:55:17 -0600 )edit