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catkin_make install

asked 2017-04-20 15:52:33 -0500

vacky11 gravatar image

What does catkin_make install do. And should I run catkin_make install after catkn_make every time?

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answered 2017-04-20 18:29:39 -0500

Geoff gravatar image

catkin_make install is described here:

It is used to produce an "installed" version of one or more packages. When you are developing, you can use the devel space, so you do not need to run it every time. install is used when you are going to distribute your package for others to use, especially if you plan on creating binary packages. If your package is solely for you to use, then you can ignore install and probably be happy. If you want others to use your package, you should add installation directives to your CMakeLists.txt files and ensure that catkin_make install produces a correct install space. This will allow others to actually install your package to their system rather than having to clone the source into every workspace they want to use it in.

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Thanks for the explanation.

vacky11 gravatar image vacky11  ( 2017-04-20 23:27:56 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-04-20 15:52:33 -0500

Seen: 29,271 times

Last updated: Apr 20 '17