Rviz Client md5sum Error
I am running Ubuntu 14.04 and indigo on my host computer. I want to visualize some rviz visualization markers on my remote laptop. However, I cannot install Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop since some hardware problems (too new?kabylake). So I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and kinetic instead. However, when I subscribe to the same topic, I get this error:
[ERROR]: Client [/rviz_1493900002586455363] wants topic /prm_graph to have datatype/md5sum [visualization_msgs/Marker/4048c9de2a16f4ae8e0538085ebf1b97], but our version has [visualization_msgs/Marker/18326976df9d29249efc939e00342cde]. Dropping connection.
I checked that the message type both are "visualization_msgs/Marker". The only difference is those numbers and letters. Any idea why this is happening? I guess it is because the ROS version is different.
BTW, the Rviz is running ok on another client computer that is installed with Indigo.
Your two system use different versions of the visualization_msgs/Marker (It was changed between Indigo and Kinetic)