How to connect VLP-16 velodyne to indigo?
Under Ubuntu 14.04, indigo, My situation now is:
sudo ifconfig eth0
(in new ternimal)
(in new terminal)
cd ./catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch velodyne_pontcloud VLP16_points.launch
in new terminal:
rostopic echo /velodyne_points However, there is no data printed.
rostopic echo /velodyne_packets It is said:"Cannot load message class for [velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan]. Are your mess ages bulit?"
Whether I powered and connected the lidar to my computer or not, there seems to be no difference in the results above.
I think this means the velodyne lidar wasn't connected to linux OS. Is it true?
Therefore, how to connect VLP-16 velodyne to indigo? How to connect the lidar with my computer through the ethernet? I only need to power the lidar and connect the lidar to my computer by the Ethernet line, and I don't need to do anything else? For example, I need to turn off wifi or change some network settings in my linux system?