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Track human orientation?

asked 2017-05-28 21:28:31 -0500

Tex gravatar image


My question is quite simple. I want to know if there is a ROS package out there that is compatible with ROS Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 that (preferably) uses point-cloud to detect "human orientation", i.e whether a human is sitting, standing, etc.

Thank you

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Hi, Have you found a good solution?

zeinab gravatar image zeinab  ( 2017-10-24 09:30:11 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-05-29 02:03:17 -0500

Chaos gravatar image

Hi! There exists the openni_tracker package that can detect humans and works with the ASUS XTion Pro Live as well as the MS Kinect. It publishes detected limbs as tf frames (i.e. head, torso, right hand, left leg, and so on). Probably you'll have some issues in retrieving the libraries to set it working, cause the openni libraries are no more available on the site. The openni_tracker node publishes only the frames of deteted human limbs Also, it publishes only the position of the frames but not the orientation. If you are interested also in the detected point cloud or in the RGB, take a look at this.

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Asked: 2017-05-28 21:28:31 -0500

Seen: 165 times

Last updated: May 29 '17