depthimage_to_laserscan segmentation fault

asked 2017-05-29 09:15:47 -0600

Mahmoud Abdul Galil gravatar image

Now i have this simulation where i use a camera in gazebo and publish RGB images and depth images as well. I want to use the package "depthimage_to_laserscan" to convert the depth images published by gazebo as laser scans to use with gmapping.

I am facing a problem where the node depthimage_to_laserscan exits with segmentation fault without any further information. I made sure it subscribed to the topics on which gazebo publishes the depth image and camera info topics

Below are some relevant snapshots:

mahmoud@Galilei:~/Workspace/ros_ws$ rosrun depthimage_to_laserscan depthimage_to_laserscan image:=/realsense_depth_camera/depth/image_raw camera_info:/realsense_depth_camera/depth/camera_info
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
mahmoud@Galilei:~/Workspace/ros_ws$ rostopic info /realsense_depth_camera/depth/image_raw
Type: sensor_msgs/Image

 * /gazebo (http://Galilei:38182/)

 * /depthimage_to_laserscan (http://Galilei:42456/)

mahmoud@Galilei:~/Workspace/ros_ws$ rostopic info /realsense_depth_camera/depth/camera_info 
Type: sensor_msgs/CameraInfo

 * /gazebo (http://Galilei:38182/)

 * /depthimage_to_laserscan (http://Galilei:42456/)


Here is the part of my URDF where i define the depth camera:

<gazebo reference="camera_depth_optical_frame">
                    <sensor type="depth" name="realsense_depth_camera">
                            <plugin name="realsense_camera_controller" filename="">
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Did you manage to solve this?

new_wanderer gravatar image new_wanderer  ( 2021-04-26 07:04:04 -0600 )edit