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Pioneer P3DX SICK Lidar LMS111 not getting connected [closed]

asked 2017-06-02 18:50:34 -0500

manuelmelvin gravatar image

updated 2019-04-04 19:31:18 -0500

jayess gravatar image

I am using SICK Lidar LMS 111 on a Pioneer P3DX robot. I am using the Aria demo program to verify the initial setup to verify everything is communication properly or not. But when I am using the LIDAR mode, I am getting an error message as listed below.

ArConfig: Config version: 2.0
Loaded robot parameters from /usr/local/Aria/params/p3dx-sh.p
Robot Serial Number: GMC_4091
ArRobotConnector: Connecting to MTX batteries (if neccesary)...
ArRobotConnector: Connecting to MTX sonar (if neccesary)...
lms1xx_1: Setting absolute max range to 50000
ArLaserConnector: Using robot params for connecting to laser 1 (lms1xx_1)
You may press escape to exit
lms1xx_1: Opening connection...
lms1xx_1::blockingConnect() Could not connect because the connection was not open and could not open it as tcp
ArLaserConnector::connectLasers: Using legacy method to cycle LRF power for lms1xx_1 since firmware or robot doesn't support new way
lms1xx_1: Opening connection...
lms1xx_1::blockingConnect() Could not connect because the connection was not open and could not open it as tcp
ArLaserConnector::connectLasers: Could not connect lms1xx_1, stopping

I have verified the LIDAR IP address using SOPAS tool and it is I have connected the LIDAR to eth0 of my on-board computer.

I have edited the p3dx-sh.p , p3dx.p and p3dx-sh-lms1xx.p files under /usr/local/Aria/params.

LaserType lms1xx                     ; Type of laser.
LaserPortType tcp                     ; Type of port the laser is on.
LaserPort            ; Port the laser is on.

But still my Lidar is not getting connected.

Please help me to resolve this issues


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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by manuelmelvin
close date 2019-04-05 11:21:34.646116

1 Answer

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answered 2019-04-04 23:58:00 -0500

letsbelopez gravatar image

The error message could mean that the port, 2111 is not open.

Try confirming that and opening that port for a connection.

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Thanks for the help.

manuelmelvin gravatar image manuelmelvin  ( 2019-04-05 11:21:16 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-06-02 18:50:34 -0500

Seen: 555 times

Last updated: Apr 04 '19