Moveit Path Constraint Failure
I'm using the moveit_commander interface on the Fetch robot and trying to add a path constraint. Here's some example code:
constraints = Constraints()
oc = OrientationConstraint()
oc.link_name = "wrist_roll_link"
oc.header.frame_id = "base_link"
oc.weight = 1.0
oc.orientation = orientation #current wrist_roll_link orientation
oc.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 3.14
oc.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 3.14
oc.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 3.14
Moveit still finds a plan, but the plan is seems to ignore the constraints and outputs an error that says:
/move_group GetPositionIK:1025: 0 is < negative number >
The results are the same for position and orientation constraints. The same code seemed to work in the past. Any ideas would be welcome!