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Can't load the ueye camera .ini file

asked 2017-06-06 07:07:53 -0500

houssem gravatar image


I'm trying to use a ueye camera with ROS Kinetic. I'm using When I do the roslaunch I get the warning

[ WARN] [1496749670.483175142]: Could not load [camera]'s sensor parameters file ~/uEye_3240_auto.ini (IS_FILE_WRITE_OPEN_ERROR)

And it loads the parameters from the launch file. Here is a part of the ini file I'm trying to use:

[Versions] ueye_api_64.dll=4.81.12 ueye_usb_64.sys=4.81.0012 ueye_boot_64.sys=4.81.0012

[Sensor] Sensor=UI324xCP-C Sensor bit depth=0 Sensor source gain=0 FPN correction mode=0 Black reference mode=0 Sensor digital gain=0

[Image size] Start X=0 Start Y=152 Start X absolute=0 Start Y absolute=0 Width=1280 Height=720 Binning=0 Subsampling=0

[Scaler] Mode=0 Factor=1.000000


Does anyone knoiw what am I doing wrong? How can I load an ini file?

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1 Answer

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answered 2019-03-14 10:28:39 -0500

INSA gravatar image

Hi Houssem,

Did you figure out how to resolve this problem ?

Thank you.

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Asked: 2017-06-06 06:59:51 -0500

Seen: 726 times

Last updated: Mar 14 '19