Collision Avoidance using Kinect camera

asked 2017-06-21 09:57:04 -0600

Muneeb gravatar image

I am working on ABB IRB4600 robot. My objective is to avoid the obstacles in the trajectory of the robot. I have tried many planners but i end up with "Stomp planner". The movements of the robot for avoiding and replanning the path are quite natural with this planner. I am able to avoid and replan the path in case of fix objects (adding objects by using add_box ). Now i want to get the objects in the robot enviornmnet through Kinect camera. I am using iai_kinect2 and ibfreenect2 packages and i am done with the callibration of the camera with the robot. Please let me know, how can i recognize the objects as obstacles in the planning scene through the camera ? and how can i keep updating the planning scene for any incomming objects ?

-I am using Kinectic kame ROS distribution

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