Multiple end effectors in MoveIt!
With MoveIt!, I'm trying to switch between two end effectors for a single arm. The purpose is to have 1 camera end effector and 1 gripper end effector. Is this what the MoveGroup setEndEffector() method was designed to do? Has anybody tried this before?
I know that somebody else in our lab is doing .setEndEffector() when the URDF contains two arms and he wants to switch between arms. Maybe that's the intended functionality.
Would it be possible, as a workaround, to have a completely separate planning group for the second end-effector? Most of the joints would be duplicated.
yes. You can have as many groups as you want. This is often used with IKFast plugins fi where special plugins are generated for specific robot+tool combos.
Do I need to destroy previous moveGroup instances before creating a new one?
Currently, if I create a second moveGroup and plan a motion, the terminal output from my executable is
Aborted: Catastrophic Failure
. The output from moveIt isUnable to construct goal representation.
OK, I found out that the Catastrophic Failure was caused by incorrectly using moveit_setup_assistant. I wasn't overwriting some of the files where manual editing was detected. Would still like to know if it's possible to use more than 1 EE per kinematic chain.