cv_bridge tutorials not working
When running the example code from the cv_bridge tutorial, all I see is a small window that has captured a small portion of my screen, along with terminal output that says init done
and some blank space. I ran catkin_make
in my catkin_ws
and have received no build errors. As you can tell, I am able to run the node but don't receive the normal output. To start connection with the drone I did rosrun ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver _realtime_navdata:=True _realtime_video:=True _navdata_demo:=1
in order to ensure that the realtime video publishing and Navdata were enabled for the drone. I also ran the stated command without the extra parameters. I am using OpenCV 3.2 with the Parrot 1 AR drone and am currently using ROS Kinetic on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine. However when I execute rosrun image_view image_view image:=/ardrone/front/image_raw
, I can see the camera feed. Any help is appreciated.