Simulated raytracing in rviz or gazebo
I have an application where I have a camera attached to the end of a 5-DOF robot arm (X, Y, Z, yaw, pitch). The robot arm is moving the camera around a fixed object (0,0,0) for inspection purposes. Given the position and orientation of the camera, is it possible to detect where on the object the camera is seeing? For example, I would like to know whether the axis of the camera is intersecting the object, and if so, determine the exact coordinates of the object the camera axis is intersecting.
Given the known camera axis (position/orientation), is it possible to extend a line along the +x-axis and see where it hits the fixed object (if it all)?
I should be able to calculate positions along the +x-axis moving outwards from the camera frame. However, I do not know how to check if these points are contained inside of the fixed object of interest. Would also be nice if something already existed for this, or at least something I can use to help.
Are you sensing the object somehow? If so, how?
I know what the object is beforehand, and it is placed at world coordinates (0,0,0).
I'm a little confused, if you know it is at (0,0,0) why do you do say "determine the world coordinates of the object the camera is looking at"? Aren't the world coordinates of the object are going to be (0,0,0)?
Sorry, guess I was not clear. The object is very large wrt the camera. I would like to know where on the object I am looking at through the center of the camera, not the center of the object (0,0,0).
@Airuno2L, could you please have a look at this query? thanks