How do I know if PC is connected to my turtlebot?
For some reason, we think the opencr board on out turtlebot3 was damaged and motors are not working, so teleop is not an option. I tried to setup the remote PC. I followed exactly When I typed in
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find turtlebot3_slam`/rviz/turtlebot3_slam.rviz
I got this:
I don't think this was what supposed to look like. Because in the simulator, before I got the robot I used the simulator. Once I start slam, it will show the current surround even without moving teleop. I don't think the robot is correctly connected to my pc, so the RVis is just running on its own.
How do I exactly know if the robot is "connected" to my pc (without using teleop)? Or maybe I am wrong, this is what supposed to happen.