Geo-Reference PointCloud2
Hi There!
Could someone please provide me some reading/method for the best practice of producing a geo-referenced point cloud. I have an SBG systems AHRS (RTK GPS and IMU fused at 200hz) and a LiDAR. Both of which have ROS drivers already. How can I produce the point cloud in the world frame rather than the robot? What is the minimum requirement for publishers/subscribers/nodes since the SBG publishes:
ros::Publisher imu_raw_pub;
ros::Publisher imu_head_pub; //todo magnitometer data
ros::Publisher gps_pos_pub;
ros::Publisher gps_vel_pub;
ros::Publisher gps_head_pub;
ros::Publisher ekf_pose_pub;
ros::Publisher ekf_quat_pub;
ros::Publisher time_pub;
Appreciate any help.