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What is a better solution for controlling actuators than Arduino????

asked 2017-08-06 16:47:00 -0500

renanmb gravatar image

My problem is that any AVR is too slow for an update rate close to the MHz rate. So it eliminates the possibility of using high precision hardware like some encoders that run at 12MHz, some IMUs go up to 1MHz, High precision Servo Motors. All the cool stuff has extremely high update rates so I would like to know if someone know a good FPGA or PIC board that is easy to implement with ROS.

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2 Answers

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answered 2017-08-07 02:41:10 -0500

updated 2017-08-07 04:18:54 -0500

You can use rosserial_mbed. It is a client library similar to rosserial_arduino that will help you to easily interface your hardware with mbed compatible micro-controllers. You can find a tutorial here.

If you are interested in development boards like Arduino, you can use the ST Nucleo development boards that are powerful, cheap compared to Arduino and with a consequent community.

It seems that most of the solutions are based on ARM. If you want to use a PIC or other architectures, you need to implement the rosserial protocol on the micro-controller.

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I really liked your answer. I need to explore a little bit this option. It seems that they are all based on ARM Cortex-M series.I will play with it and see. What I like in Development boards is not going into low level all the time, which makes prototyping faster. I am open to other suggestion too.

renanmb gravatar image renanmb  ( 2017-08-07 03:58:24 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-08-06 16:47:00 -0500

Seen: 215 times

Last updated: Aug 07 '17