why say.py in sound_play package cannot be used with roslaunch?
say.py works if it come with rosrun. I mean at first I have launched a launch file containing:
<node pkg="sound_play" type="soundplay_node.py" name="sound_play" output="screen"/>
(consider its name is first.launch)
and then in another terminal I have run:
rosrun mypackage say.py
but how can I launch say.py with a launch file? I have say.py inside "mypackage" and a launch file(named second.launch) like this:
<node pkg="mypackage" type="say.py" name="say" output="screen"/>
but it got some errors in the terminal in which i have launched first.luanch:
sound: -3
command: 1
volume: 1.0
arg: __name:=say
arg2: __log:=/home/mostafa/.ros/log/53b70204-7c11-11e7-b929-acbc32787137/say-1.log
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : __log:=/home/mostafa/.ros/log/53b70204-7c11-11e7-b929-acbc32787137/say-1.log
and a warning in the terminal of second.launch:
Saying: __name:=say
Voice: __log:=/home/mostafa/.ros/log/53b70204-7c11-11e7-b929-acbc32787137/say-1.log
Volume: 1.0