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some question about the nodes and topics in ros_industrial_client package

asked 2017-08-15 04:26:18 -0500

tengfei gravatar image

Hi! I read the industrial_robot_clientgeneric_implementation( have some confusion about the nodes and topics mentioned in this page.

1.In this page, there three nodes,robot_state,motion__interface and joint_trajectory_action. The robot_state just publishes three topics without subscribing anyone topics while motoin__interface is completely opposite. Does the robot_state node decode the message received from robot controller using simple message? And the motion_*_interface subscribes the message form topics and encode them using simple message then send to robot controller? Can I understand the process of these two nodes like this?

  1. Does joint_trajectory_action node act as an action server?I noted that this node subscribed topics like goal, cancel and states and publishes topics like feedback, status etc.where is the action client? 3.I'm a beginner so I still don't know how to understand the whole process of the implecatioin process and of industrial_client and simple_message,so I hope someone can give me some suggestions. Thanks!
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answered 2017-08-15 04:44:10 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

In this page, there three nodes, robot_state, motion_interface and joint_trajectory_action. The robot_state just publishes three topics without subscribing anyone topics while motoin_interface is completely opposite. Does the robot_state node decode the message received from robot controller using simple message? And the motion_*_interface subscribes the message form topics and encode them using simple message then send to robot controller? Can I understand the process of these two nodes like this?

yes, that is correct.

Does joint_trajectory_action node act as an action server? I noted that this node subscribed topics like goal, cancel and states and publishes topics like feedback, status etc.


where is the action client?

That could be any compatible client. One example could be MoveIt, or a custom node that you write yourself.

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Asked: 2017-08-15 04:26:18 -0500

Seen: 99 times

Last updated: Aug 15 '17