Problem with running json-prolog:prolog to query an owl file
I have a cram project running with Ros. i simply want to query an owl file and receive results in cram.
Knowrob is installed on my system and i can run rosrun rosprolog rosprolog knowrob_common examples.
Based on limited documentations and available codes, to query the owl file, i came up with the following code
(json-prolog:prolog '("rdf_has" ?owlname ""("literal")))
i received
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-KERNEL:CASE-FAILURE expected-type: (OR STRING ROSLISP::URI) datum: NIL>.
i tried every permutation to place owl address, variable and owl command. same error showed up in all cases.
Moreover, by running (json-prolog:check-connection)
i have the following error
[(JSON-PROLOG) WARN] 1504631904.665: Node is not running.
I am not sure which node i should run and is it neccessary in order to query the owl file?