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Unable to load plugin for transport 'image_transport/compressed_sub'

asked 2017-09-14 05:54:28 -0500

cduguet gravatar image

updated 2018-06-05 23:52:51 -0500

jayess gravatar image

I am using Kinect on Ubuntu 16.04.

After executing

rosrun image_view extract_images image_transport/compressed_sub

I get

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'image_transport::TransportLoadException'
what():  Unable to load plugin for transport 'image_transport/compressed_sub', error string:
According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class image_transport/image_transport/compressed_sub_sub with base class type image_transport::SubscriberPlugin does not exist. Declared types are  image_transport/compressedDepth_sub image_transport/compressed_sub image_transport/raw_sub image_transport/theora_sub
Aborted (core dumped)

What surprises me is the name of the class, which seems to me a little redundant. image_transport/image_transport/compressed_sub_sub instead of image_transport/compressed_sub

Is this maybe be a bug?

EDIT: I do have compressed_image_transport installed

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3 Answers

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answered 2019-11-15 15:08:35 -0500

Link gravatar image

I needed to install image_transport_plugins

The fix for ubuntu users:

apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-image-transport-plugins
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thanks a lot. that helped

MBD gravatar image MBD  ( 2021-08-24 15:35:38 -0500 )edit

answered 2021-04-16 09:46:32 -0500

Sidet gravatar image

Hey, for anyone having the same problem:

I just fixed it by renaming the topic i publish the CompressedImage on to 'XXX/XXX/compressed'

It seems like the overall structure as well as the '/compressed' at the end of the topic name is important.

Hope it helps someone.

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Thank you bro, you saved my life.

yipai gravatar image yipai  ( 2022-09-26 18:16:47 -0500 )edit

answered 2018-06-05 23:39:42 -0500

130s gravatar image

updated 2023-06-28 10:30:36 -0500

Update 2023/06/28: Years passed I ran into a very similar error that was hard to debug moveit2_tutorials!700.

[move_group-5] [ERROR] [1687966130.962836492] [move_group]: Failed to load plugin image_transport/raw_pub, error string: could not create publisher: create_publisher() called for existing topic name rt/kinect/filtered_cloud with incompatible type sensor_msgs::msg::dds_::Image_, at ./src/publisher.cpp:145, at ./src/rcl/publisher.c:116                             
[move_group-5] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'image_transport::Exception'
[move_group-5]   what():  No plugins found! Does `rospack plugins --attrib=plugin image_transport` find any packages?
[move_group-5] Stack trace (most recent call last):

I think in my case because moveit was configured to activate sensor_plugin: occupancy_map_monitor/DepthImageOctomapUpdater (in sensors_3d.yaml) but there was no topics being published that matches the type the plug-in in question can subscribe. I'm not sure. I just resolved this issue by disabling non-pointcloud sensor in my sensors_3d.yaml.

Original post:

After executing rosrun image_view extract_images image_transport/compressed_sub

Where did you find that syntax? Looks like extract_images takes an argument with a name image. So you call something like:

rosrun image_view extract_images image:=image_transport/compressed_sub
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Asked: 2017-09-14 05:54:28 -0500

Seen: 9,395 times

Last updated: Jun 28 '23