viso2 mono_odometry tf problem
I have a problem with mono_odometry fron viso2. The node does publish the odometry topic properly but I get this message. Notice the missing / at camera_rgb_optical_frame.
[ WARN] [1506074144.964462965]: The tf from '/base_link' to 'camera_rgb_optical_frame' does not seem to be available, will assume it as identity!
But a valid tf transform from base_link to camera_rgb_optical_frame is being published:
$ rosrun tf tf_monitor base_link camera_rgb_optical_frame
RESULTS: for base_link to camera_rgb_optical_frame
**Chain is: base_link -> top_plate_link -> sensor_arch_mount_link -> camera_link -> camera_rgb_frame -> camera_rgb_optical_frame**
Net delay avg = -0.0247312: max = 0.068892
Is there a configuration error? Why does the warning message show camera_rgb_optical_frame
without the /
? Did I miss something?
Here is my launch file:
<!-- Arguments -->
<arg name="camera" default="/camera/rgb" /> <!-- The namespace where images are published -->
<!-- Run the ROS package stereo_image_proc -->
<group ns="$(arg camera)" >
<node pkg="image_proc" type="image_proc" name="image_proc"/>
<!-- Run the viso2_ros package -->
<node pkg="viso2_ros" type="mono_odometer" name="mono_odometer" output="screen">
<remap from="image" to="$(arg camera)/image_rect"/>
<remap from="/mono_odometer/odometry" to="/odometry/mono"/>
<!-- Matcher params -->
<param name="nms_n" value="3" />
<param name="nms_tau" value="50" />
<param name="match_binsize" value="50" />
<param name="match_radius" value="200" />
<param name="match_disp_tolerance" value="2" />
<param name="outlier_disp_tolerance" value="5" />
<param name="outlier_flow_tolerance" value="5" />
<param name="multi_stage" value="1" />
<param name="half_resolution" value="1" />
<param name="refinement" value="1" />
<!-- Bucketing params -->
<param name="max_features" value="2" />
<param name="bucket_width" value="50" />
<param name="bucket_height" value="50" />
<!-- Mono params -->
<param name="camera_height" value="1.0" />
<param name="camera_pitch" value="0.0" />
<param name="ransac_iters" value="2000" />
<param name="inlier_threshold" value="1e-5" />
<param name="motion_threshold" value="100" />
</node>`enter code here`
Hi mwolf: I have the same question, have you solved it? Thank you.
I do not exactly remember how I fixed it, but you can check my launch files here: Have a look at mono_odometry.launch and mondo_odometry_simple.launch
I have looked at mono_odometry_simple.launch, but i can't understand <arg name="camera" default="/camera/rgb"/>, how should I write my launch file? Thank you, Mwolf.