rtabmap with stereovision
i work on rtabmap with stereovision. i am new in ros and rtabmap and i am studying tutorials of rtabmap. i install rtabmap_ros package from ($ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rtabmap-ros) and when run the example of Hand-held Stereo Mapping for ros (Process a directory of stereo images in ROS) the stereo_20Hz.launch file can not run and error is:
... logging to /home/zahra/.ros/log/709c28dc-a145-11e7-8f93-c8600022c399/roslaunch-zahra-9839.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
unused args [rgbd] for include of [/opt/ros/indigo/share/rtabmap_ros/launch/rtabmap.launch] The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
please help me!
Can you post the log file it refers to. it should be located in the .ros/logs folder in your home directory
Also, can you describe your setup more? What stereo camera are you using? Can you get the stereo camera to just publish images correctly? If you are using a rosbag, can you get that to play through the images correctly on its own?
i am using zip file from rtabmap site that is content left and right images (stereo_20Hz.zip). i am following tutorials of rtabmap and useing file from this site.
i don't know whats happen the rtabmap ros work correctly for rgbdmap but don't work for stereomapping!
how can see log file?
i access to log file from terminal with this command: zahra@zahra:~$ cd ~/.ros/log zahra@zahra:~/.ros/log$ ls
is it correct?
Is it this tutorial?
hello matlabbe yes that is!