What is the UDP port subscribers open up?
In preparing/configuring networking for a ROS environment, I have noticed that ROS subscribers (and rosout) opens UDP ports.
(from TCPView)
KineticListener.exe **4908 UDP ASHTRAY-1** 52513 * *
KineticListener.exe 4908 TCP ashtray-1 51328 desktop-mp2jcia 3143 ESTABLISHED
Given I am using TCPROS, I am wondering why this is so and what this 52513 port is for. UDP is not optimal, because I can't route UDP through the NAT, so if these UDP ports are important for something I may not be able to work around it. (rosout.exe also opens UDP, but it is a subscriber, so I think all subscribers do it).
I would just like to know: What is this UDP port for? I would like to ignore it, because I can't (for many reasons) route UDP through the firewall.
NOTE: if you notice the .exe extension and such, yes...this is a ROS installation (kinetic) on windows. I have ported the ROS client libraries and the python infrastructure (roscore, etc.) and they work very well with very little modification.