How can I unit test a ROS nodelet?
Does somebody know examples of ROS unit tests of nodelets?
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Does somebody know examples of ROS unit tests of nodelets?
Asked: 2017-10-18 16:16:52 -0600
Seen: 348 times
Last updated: Oct 18 '17
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What would you want to test specifically? Business logic used by the nodelet (should have other unit tests), or logic contained in the nodelet? Or the nodelet management infrastructure? At the ROS API level, there isn't really much difference between a nodelet and a node.
I am interested in testing nodelets w.r.t. the differences between a node and a nodelet... means the nodelet management structure which falls not into the category of nodelet integration testing. (Is it even possible to consider the unit and integration level separate?)
so that would be testing the
package itself then? As that provides the loading/starting/stopping of nodelets.Not random other nodelets that are based on that.