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robot in Rviz cannot move and dropping the first 1 trajectory point

asked 2017-11-06 05:53:12 -0500

tengfei gravatar image

updated 2017-11-07 04:27:21 -0500

Hi all! I'm now following the book Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming and build my robot in rviz and gazebo. I wrote the launch file to bring up both rviz and gazebo but some problems appeared. The first one is that after the rviz started, I give the robot a new position and click the plan and can plan successfully but cannot execute in other words, the robot in rviz cannot move to the goal position. Meanwhile in the terminal there is also a warning [ WARN] [1509967616.528903811, 3368.707000000]: Dropping first 1 trajectory point(s) out of 13, as they occur before the current time. First valid point will be reached in 0.459s. I guess that the warning is asociated with the first problem. I have searched the similar problem but I still cannot slove the problem. Could some one give me some suggestion? here is the launch file bringup.lunch which launch the rviz and gazebo together.when click the plan and execute,the robot can move correctly in gazebo but do not move in rviz.


 <!-- Launch Gazebo -->
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_description_pkg)/launch/gazebo.launch" />
<!-- ros_control seven dof arm launch file -->
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_description_pkg)/launch/jaka_ur_gazebo_joint_states.launch" />
<!-- ros_control position control dof arm launch file -->
<!--<include file="$(find jaka_ur_description_pkg)/launch/jaka_ur_gazebo_position.launch" /> -->
<!-- ros_control trajectory control dof arm launch file -->
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_description_pkg)/launch/jaka_ur_trajectory_controller.launch" />
<include file="$(find jaka_ur_moveit_config2)/launch/moveit_planning_execution.launch" />

and the related config file trajectory_control.yaml file

    type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
      - joint_1
      - joint_2
      - joint_3
      - joint_4
      - joint_5
      - joint_6
      joint_1:   {p: 1000.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.1, i_clamp: 0.0}
      joint_2: {p: 1000.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.1, i_clamp: 0.0}
      joint_3:  {p: 1000.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.1, i_clamp: 0.0}
      joint_4:       {p: 1000.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.1, i_clamp: 0.0}
      joint_5:    {p: 1000.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.1, i_clamp: 0.0}
      joint_6:      {p: 1000.0, i: 0.0, d: 0.1, i_clamp: 0.0}
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It's very difficult to debug this problem if you don't show us some code. The error message tells us nothing because we're not familiar with your code. How do you make your robot move? Do you publish some message on topic? Do you have gazebo plugin for simulating this behavior in your model?

l4ncelot gravatar image l4ncelot  ( 2017-11-07 02:54:12 -0500 )edit

sorry. Now i put the launch file and the config fiel I guess that could have some problem.If you think that is not enough I will put others.

tengfei gravatar image tengfei  ( 2017-11-07 04:03:57 -0500 )edit

Can you reformat your launch file? It's very hard to read it this way.

l4ncelot gravatar image l4ncelot  ( 2017-11-07 04:21:02 -0500 )edit

Sorry about that.

tengfei gravatar image tengfei  ( 2017-11-07 04:27:39 -0500 )edit

I have found the problem.It was a problem in the package ros-controls/ros_controllers. joint_trajectory_controller - Always dropping first trajectory point #291 gave the solution.I tried and it worked!

tengfei gravatar image tengfei  ( 2017-11-12 05:32:40 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2017-11-12 05:32:59 -0500

tengfei gravatar image

I have found the problem.It was a problem in the package ros-controls/ros_controllers. joint_trajectory_controller - Always dropping first trajectory point #291 gave the solution.I tried and it worked!

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This is the link to the issue for other people.

l4ncelot gravatar image l4ncelot  ( 2017-11-13 02:09:29 -0500 )edit

yes, just as what I said above,I trieds it and have solved it.

tengfei gravatar image tengfei  ( 2017-11-13 02:18:43 -0500 )edit

i'm also facing same issue, can you please tell me how can i edit the file "ros_controllers/joint_trajectory_controller/include/joint_trajectory_controller/joint_trajectory_msg_utils.h"??

it is located in following path on my pc "/opt/ros/kinetic/include/joint_trajectory_controller"

mvish7 gravatar image mvish7  ( 2019-01-11 07:51:28 -0500 )edit

and when i try to edit and save the file, i get error as "access is denied".

mvish7 gravatar image mvish7  ( 2019-01-11 07:52:09 -0500 )edit

You have need change permission of the file, with sudo chmod 777 nameFile

Yesika Rodriguez gravatar image Yesika Rodriguez  ( 2020-03-16 19:00:45 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2017-11-06 05:53:12 -0500

Seen: 1,303 times

Last updated: Nov 12 '17