How can I make robot follow a particular feature in the image?
I would like to make my robot follow a path that I draw on an image using my mouse. I could use visual servoing to make it follow a particular object or feature? but how can I go about it. My idea is to trace a path in the image and then make the robot follow that path. I cannot use Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM) here as I will be dealing with non planer scenes. Any help would be appreciated
did you solve your issue ?
I am still working on it. The way to go about it is to use visual servoing using features you select to follow and then use optical flow to track those features.
I want to do visual tracking with real ur5 arm. Right now, I use aruco marker, I can detect the marker and obtain the pose of it in rviz( I have the TF of marker and ur5 in rviz), but I don't know how to make the end-effector of ur5 track and follow the marker.
I would advise you to study a bit about visual servoing. Then you can use VISP to carry a variety of taks.