Is OpenCR available to buy?
The OpenCR board on my TurtleBot3 has stopped working. Is it possible to buy a replacement? If so, from where?
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The OpenCR board on my TurtleBot3 has stopped working. Is it possible to buy a replacement? If so, from where?
You can get OpenCR from the address below. Since last month, parts of TurtleBot3 have begun to be sold separately and soon there will be more shops that can be bought through branches and agencies.
Additionally, Arduino Due can be also used in place of OpenCR. Due uses Cortex M3 instead of OpenCR's M7 but its working smoothly in our case with rosserial.
PS- It's more economical option and easily available at stores.
Asked: 2017-11-07 04:41:03 -0600
Seen: 2,030 times
Last updated: Feb 19 '20
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