Adding objects in MoveIt: fixed in the world while the mobile manipulator is moving: confusion with root_joint, planning_frame and srdf structure
Hi all, Sorry if this question is answered somewhere else, but I didn't find a clear answer.
In the context of a mobile manipulator, we use move_base for base navigation and moveIt for arm planning. We have an issue when adding parts and objects to the MoveIt planning scene: they are added "fixed" to the robot. So when the robot moves, the parts move with it... :-( Not the expected behavior! Another thing we'd like to do in the future but that our current issue will also not allow: having a rgbd sensor fixed to a wall and providing an octomap to MoveIt...
So, digging into it, I'm not sure if we have an issue with:
our custom robot urdf/srdf structure (we do use a virtual joint between /map and /base_footprint in the SRDF)
the overall concept of the Moving Planning scene, root_joint and planningFrame... and how they are linked to the gmapping's map.
So what we are expecting to do, is it even feasible? should the root_joint of my custom robot be base_link? or the map/world_frame? we can querry for the current PlanningFrame (getPlanningFrame() ), but there is no way to set it. So I guess it is generated at the construction of the PlanningScene... and thus will use the first frame of the URDF... which will never be the Map frame...
I think you got it: I'm missing a connection between all these concepts. Can someone help? Thanks
I think this is an under-utilized aspect of MoveIt! and you are correct it is not clear the behavior in this use case. This use case should be feasible.