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Problem with OpenCV on Kinetic

asked 2018-01-27 12:09:59 -0500

alfa_80 gravatar image

updated 2018-02-06 13:31:51 -0500

I am finding a way to resolve OpenCV issue with ROS Kinetic. After trying using cvg_sim_gazebo package, the functionality is now broken which previously was working. Is there any workaround to make it work, be it using OpenCV2 or OpenCV3. I've also tried to use OpenCV2 but I am restricted to ros-kinetic-image-view package and its dependencies.

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Please edit your question to include instructions how to setup your environment, what commands your running and the errors that your getting so we can help you.

tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2018-01-31 01:19:55 -0500 )edit

@tfoote: Thanks for your advise. I've just found a solution that re-installation fixes the issue.

alfa_80 gravatar image alfa_80  ( 2018-01-31 03:48:06 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-01-31 03:46:57 -0500

alfa_80 gravatar image

I found out that after reinstalling the ROS solves the issue.

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Asked: 2018-01-27 12:09:59 -0500

Seen: 257 times

Last updated: Feb 06 '18