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How to fix error "E: Unable to locate package ros-lunar-desktop"?

asked 2018-02-06 14:15:52 -0500

buckleti gravatar image

Trying to install Lunar ROS for Uduntu on Dell Inspiron 300 laptop. Keep getting:

"E: Unable to locate package ros-lunar-desktop"

Followed these instructions from ROS lunar site:

  1. sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'

  2. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116

  3. sudo apt-get update

  4. sudo apt-get install ros-lunar-desktop-full

Also tried smaller lunars, but they gave same error. Also, tried: apt-cache search ros-lunar

To check, to no avail.

Looked up similar issues but solutions were not specific to this issue.

Tried on a different laptop, same model and getting same issue.

New to linux and need help with solution install of lunar ROS please. Thank you.

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Which OS is this? And which version? Can you add the output of lsb_release -a to your question? Use the edit button/link.

gvdhoorn gravatar image gvdhoorn  ( 2018-02-06 15:04:15 -0500 )edit

Output of lsb_releas -a

No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 17.10 Release: 17.10 Codename: artful

OS = Ubuntu Version = 17.10

buckleti gravatar image buckleti  ( 2018-02-06 16:45:24 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2018-02-06 17:22:40 -0500

tfoote gravatar image

Ubuntu 17.10 is not a supported platform for Lunar. See REP 3 It only support 16.04, 16.10, and 17.04.

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Thank you very much! I see 17.04 no longer exists (end of life). Any suggestions as to which I should install that will work. This is my first time and I would like to make sure it works with ROS on my system. Thanks again!

buckleti gravatar image buckleti  ( 2018-02-06 18:06:44 -0500 )edit

I'd recommend Xenial 16.04 the LTS Ubuntu release

tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2018-02-06 19:34:19 -0500 )edit

Please accept the question (using the checkmark to the left) so others know it's been answered.

tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2018-02-06 19:34:43 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2018-02-06 13:58:44 -0500

Seen: 1,130 times

Last updated: Feb 06 '18