How do you add the path "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/" to your catkin environment?
Every time I do a source devel/setup.bash in my environment my ROS packages in the environment are unable to whatever is in the path I mentioned. How can I make this happen?
I'm not understanding your question. Your packages are unable to what?
The package cv resides in the path "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages", but the $PYTHONPATH after I do a source devel/setup.bash is in "/opt/ros/kinetic/". How can I reconcile this difference?
OpenCV has been included with ROS since Indigo. Have you seen the OpenCV 3 page on the wiki?
In the code that I am using, there is a line in the python script that saids "import cv", but this library is not in the path for my ROS workspace.