add diagnostics at runtime not working (tutorial)
Hi everyone,
When adding diagnostics at runtime using either the script given here or add_analyzers, the aggregator fails to properly update the group and leaves the added diagnostics under /Other/ even after wating for some time. The add_analyzers reports that the service call succeeded.
Looking at the logs, the aggregator gives:
[ WARN] [1519235533.166823508]: Bond for namespace /startup_analyzers was broken
[ WARN] [1519235533.171578828]: Broken bond tried to remove an analyzer which didn't exist.
I don't see any reasons why as the node adding diags (/startup_analyzers) is still running and I can see /diagnostics_agg/bond pub and sub when rostopic info. I'm running all of this on localhost.
The problem can be reproduced when following the tutorial Adding Analyzers at Runtime at least on Kinetic@Ubuntu 16.04 Kernel 4.13.0.
There is only one node adding diags. Any idea or is that directly a Bond issue ?