roslaunch: [ ] is neither a launch file in package [ ] nor is [ ] a launch file name
Hi everyone,
I know a lot of answers to this kind of problem are lurking around, but I swear everything I tried isn't working. I've sourced the environment multiple times manually, or adding source/home/alexis/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
inside the ~./bashrc
file. I am positive the folder and files do exist. I've also built it multiple times via catkin build
or catkin_make
But still, whenever I run the command:
roslaunch catkin_ws map_navigation_stage_psu.launch
the error that is in the title shows up. I honestly don't know what to do anymore.
The content of "map_navigation_stage_psu.launch" is as follow:
<include file="$(find catkin_ws)/src/turtlebot/navigation/map_navigation/launch/turtlebot_stage_psu.launch"/>
<node name="map_navigation" pkg="catkin_ws" type="map_navigation_node" output="screen">
Thank you for bearing with me