Visualize 2 robots with same URDF in rviz
I am running the turtlesim_tf2 demo/tutorial with 2 turtles as instructed. I followed the instructions - both turtle1 and turtle2 are broadcasting TF. Also implemented the tf2_listener which implements turtle2 following turtle1.
Additionally, I created a simple URDF with the top link named "turtle1".
<robot name="myfirst">
<link name="turtle1">
This allows me to visualize "turtle1" in rviz with its correct pose in relationship to world.
The easy hack for me to visualize "turtle2" is to copy that URDF to another file and simply replace the link name with "turtle2" in the copy.
But I want to use the same URDF to visualize turtle2. For that single URDF, how can I effectively "remap" the "turtle1" top link name to "turtle2" to visualize both turtle1 and turtl2 in rviz?? Is that possible?
Thanks Jack
Is this related to #q222283 ?